Posts tagged with "of"

They were people of the forest
multicultural · 13. June 2023
A thousand years ago, and many thousands before that, men were cutting down trees in the forests of British Columbia. They split planks to build houses, hollowed out logs for canoes, chopped off choice sections of wood to make tools and weapons. Furniture, dishes, storage containers, kitchen utensils, games and musical instruments were made of wood. The aboriginal people of British Columbia used trees (branches, roots, bark, and wood) as a primary source of raw materials.
The spirit of Haida
HURMA · 07. February 2023
What do you see when you look at Haida paintings? Another hidden picture? Geometric shapes and red and black colors? Yes, this is the Haida style, which was created and preserved to this day by the native inhabitants of North America, the Haida tribe. They decorated their own bodies with such drawings.